
張恆瑜 副教授 (與數位金融科技學系合聘) / 國際處國際教育組組長


電話:03-2118800 # 5408

博士 國立成功大學 國際企業研究所(主修財務)
訪問研究員 加州州立大學北嶺分校 財務與保險學系(國科會千里馬計畫)
碩士 英國Ulster University 傳播公關研究所(國際扶輪大使獎學金)
碩士 國立中山大學 人力資源管理研究所
學士 國立臺灣大學 會計學系

長庚大學 數位金融科技學系/工商管理學系/商管專業學院 副教授
林口長庚紀念醫院 巨量資料與統計中心 合聘副研究員
長庚大學 國際健康管理學士學位學程 學程主任
長庚大學 商管專業學院EMBA經管組班主任
臺灣積體電路製造股份有限公司 管理師
年興紡織股份有限公司 專員
  1. Chun-Ai Ma, Heng-Yu Lv, Heng-Yu Chang*, Yanbo Jin (Jan, 2024). Product market competition, financial flexibility, and investment-q sensitivity: Evidence from the US and China. Applied Economics. Forthcoming. (SSCI,通訊作者)
  2. Chun-Ai Ma, Rong Xiao, Heng-Yu Chang* and Guang-Rui Song (2022, Feb). Founder Management and Innovation: An Empirical Analysis Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior and Fuzzy-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis. Frontiers in Psychology. (SSCI,通訊作者)
  3. Lee, Y.P., Chang*, P.C. and Chang, H.Y. (2022, Apr). How workplace fun promotes informal learning among team members: A cross-level study of the relationship between workplace fun, team climate, workplace friendship, and informal learning. Employee Relations 44(4), 870-889.
  4. Xiao*, R., Song, G.R., Ma, C.A., Chang, H.Y. (2022, Nov). Does peer influence improve firms' innovative investment? Evidence from China. Energy Reports 8, 1143-1150. (SCIE)
  5. Ying-Jiuan Wong, Heng-Yu Chang, Cheng-Yu Lee* (2020, Feb). When do family CEO successors perform strategic change heterogeneously? Management Review 管理評論. (Accepted). (TSSCI)
  6. Heng-Yu Chang, Cheng-Yu Lee* and Ying-Jiuan Wong (2019, Jul). CEO career experience and firm innovativeness: Considering the moderating effect of independent directors. Corporate Management Review 交大管理學報, 39(1), 83-117. 本人為第一作者. (TSSCI)
  7. Heng-Yu Chang* and Chun-Ai Ma (2019, Apr). Financial flexibility, managerial efficiency and firm life cycle on firm performance: An empirical analysis of Chinese listed firms. Journal of Advances in Management Research, 16(2), 168-180. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
  8. Wu-Yueh Hu and Heng-Yu Chang* (2018, Nov). Investor Sentiment, Corporate Transparency and Market Returns: Evidence from Taiwan Intraday Data .Advances in Management and Applied Economics, 8(6), 67-82. 本人為通訊作者.
  9. Chang, H. Y., Lee, C. Y. and Wong, Y. J. (2018, Aug). The impact of earnings pressure on exploratory innovation. R&D Management (管一正面表列期刊). 本人為第一作者.
  10. Chang, H. Y. and Lee, Y. P. (2016, Aug). The Relationship between Business Diversification and Productivity: Considering the Impact of Process Innovation at Different Corporate Life Cycles. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 28(7), 827-840. 本人為第一作者.
  11. Shao-Chi Chang and Heng-Yu Chang* (2015, Nov). Corporate Motivations of Product Recall Strategy: Exploring the Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Stakeholder Engagement. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 22(6), 393-407. (SSCI). 本人為通訊作者.
  12. C. A. Ma, Y. B. Jin and H. Y. Chang (2015, Oct). Firm’s Financial Flexibility,Driving Factors, Flexibility Degree and Economic Results: A Comparison of America and China. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 7(11), 52-61.
  13. Hu, W. Y., Huang, C. J., Chang*, H. Y. and Lin, W. J. (2015, May). The impact of investor sentiment on feedback trading and trading frequency: Evidence from Taiwan intraday data. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 51(S1): 1-10. 本人為通訊作者.
  14. Cheng-Yu Lee and Heng-Yu Chang* (2014, Oct). How do the combined effects of CEO decision horizon and compensation impact the relationship between earnings pressure and R&D retrenchment?. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 26(9), 1057-1071. 本人為通訊作者.
  15. Chih-Jen Huang, Wu-Yueh Hu, Heng-Yu Chang* and Yi-Ju Chen (2014, Feb).Do Firms Raise Funds as Needed? An Empirical Investigation of Investment Behavior in Explaining IPO and SEO Underperformance . Empirical Economics Letters, 13(3), 317-327. 本人為通訊作者.