112學年度 大學部 AOL
1. Our students will acquire understanding of the knowledge in industrial and business management.
1-1. Our students will understand the core foundations of management.
1-2. Our students will acquire the function knowledge in information technology.
2. Our students will be able to relate the knowledge of industrial and business management to practice.
2-1. Our students will possess analytical skills for management functions.
2-2. Our students will demonstrate an understanding of managerial skills, including leadership and team process.
3. Our students will be able to solve problems effectively.
3-1. Our students will be able to describe the systematic approach problem-solving.
3-2. Our students will be able to systematically identify a business problem and develop a feasible solution.
4. Our students will be able to communicate effectively.
4-1. Our students will be able to deliver a quality presentation.
4-2. Our students will be able to use interpersonal communication skills effectively.
5. Our students will be aware of issues in ethics and responsibilities.
5-1. Our students will be able to understand ethics issues.
5-2. Our students will exhibit understanding of the professional code of conduct in their discipline.✓
111 學年度 大學部課程 ( Rubric 檔案下載 ) *待修正
學期 | 科目名稱 | 學分 | 必修/選修 | 1–1 |
1–2 |
1–3 X |
1–4 X |
1–5 X |
2–1 | 2–2 | 3–1 | 3–2 | 4–1 | 4–2 | 5–1 | 5–2 |
111(1) | 數位商業模式概論 | 1 | 必 | 1–1 | ||||||||||||
111(1) | Python程式語言 | 3 | 必 | 3–1 | ||||||||||||
111(1) | 2 | 必 | 1–1 | |||||||||||||
111(1) | 微積分 | 3 | 必 | 3–2 | ||||||||||||
111(1) | 經濟學(1) | 3 | 必 | 1–1 | ||||||||||||
111(1) | 0 | 必 | 5–1 | |||||||||||||
111(1) | 行銷管理 | 3→2 | 必 | 1–4 | ||||||||||||
111(1) | 民法 | 3 | 必→選 | 1–1 | ||||||||||||
111(1) | 統計學(1) | 3 | 必 | 1–1 | ||||||||||||
111(1) | 會計學(2) | 3 | 必 | 1–1 | ||||||||||||
111(1) | 人力資源管理 | 3 | 必 | 1–2 | ||||||||||||
111(1) | 生產與作業管理 | 3→2 | 必 | 1–5 | ||||||||||||
111(1) | 3 | 必 | 2–1 | |||||||||||||
111(1) | 3 | 必 | 2–1 | |||||||||||||
111(1) | 3 | 必 | 3–2 | |||||||||||||
111(1) | 3 | 必 | 3–1 | |||||||||||||
111(1) | 資訊管理 | 3→2 | 必 | 5–2 | ||||||||||||
111(1) | 溝通技巧與表達 | 2→1 | 必 | 4–1 | 4–2 | |||||||||||
111(2) | 會計學(1) | 3 | 必 | 1–1 | ||||||||||||
111(2) | 管理數學 | 3 | 必 | 3–2 | ||||||||||||
111(2) | 經濟學(2) | 3 | 必 | 1–1 | ||||||||||||
111(2) | 0 | 必 | 5–1 | |||||||||||||
111(2) | 管理學 | 3 | 必 | 2–2 | ||||||||||||
111(2) | 統計學(2) | 3 | 必 | 3–2 | ||||||||||||
111(2) | 管理科學 | 3 | 必 | 3–1 | ||||||||||||
111(2) | 組織行為 | 3 | 必→選 | 1–2 | ||||||||||||
111(2) | 財務管理 | 3 | 必 | 1–3 | ||||||||||||
111(2) | 職場倫理 | 2 | 必 | 4–2 | ||||||||||||
111(2) | 2 | 必 | 1–1 | |||||||||||||
111(2) | 策略管理 | 3 | 必→選 | 2–2 | ||||||||||||
111(1) | 金融風險管理 | 3 | 選 | 1–3 | ||||||||||||
111(1) | 產業分析 | 3 | 選 | 2–1 | ||||||||||||
111(1) | 作業研究 | 3 | 選 | 3–2 | ||||||||||||
111(1) | 供應鏈管理 | 3 | 選 | 1–5 | ||||||||||||
111(1) | 廣告學 | 3 | 選 | 1–4 | ||||||||||||
111(1) | 保險學 | 3 | 選 | 1–3 | ||||||||||||
111(1) | 消費者行為 | 3 | 選 | 1–4 | ||||||||||||
111(1) | 投資學 | 3 | 選 | 1–3 | ||||||||||||
111(1) | 成本會計 | 3 | 選 | 3–2 | ||||||||||||
111(1) | 網路行銷 | 3 | 選 | 1–4 | ||||||||||||
111(1) | 國際企業管理 | 3 | 選 | 1–4 | ||||||||||||
111(1) | 國際財務管理 | 3 | 選 | 1–3 | ||||||||||||
111(2) | 商事法 | 3 | 選 | 5–2 | ||||||||||||
111(2) | 工程經濟 | 3 | 選 | 2–1 | ||||||||||||
111(2) | 貨幣銀行學 | 3 | 選 | 1–3 | ||||||||||||
111(2) | 衍生性金融商品 | 3 | 選 | 1–3 | ||||||||||||
111(2) | 管理經濟 | 3 | 選 | 2–1 | ||||||||||||
111(2) | 決策分析 | 3 | 選 | 3–2 | ||||||||||||
111(2) | 招募甄選管理 | 2 | 選 | 4–1 | ||||||||||||
111(2) | 總體經濟 | 3 | 選 | 4–1 | ||||||||||||
111(2) | 財務報表分析 | 3 | 選 | 1–3 | ||||||||||||
111(2) | 組織設計 | 3 | 選 | 2–2 | ||||||||||||
111(2) | 行銷研究 | 3 | 選 | 1–4 | ||||||||||||
111(2) | 中級會計學 | 3 | 選 | 3–2 | ||||||||||||
111(2) | R程式語言 | 3 | 選 | 3–1 | ||||||||||||
111(2) | 品質管理 | 3 | 選 | 1–5 | ||||||||||||
111(2) | 生產計畫與管制 | 3 | 選 | 1–5 |
112學年度 碩士班 AOL
1. Our students will acquire advanced management knowledge and apply it to practice.
1-1. Our students will understand key subjects in Logistics/ Operations.
1-2. Our students will understand key subjects in Finance.
1-3. Our students will understand key subjects in Business Analytics.
2. Our students will be able to solve problems by using research methods.
2-1. Our students will understand research methods.
2-2. Our students will develop a satisfactory solution.
3. Our students will be able to communicate effectively.
3-1. Our students will be able to deliver a quality presentation.
3-2. Our students will be able to use interpersonal communication skills effectively.
4. Our students will be aware of issues in ethics and responsibilities.
4-1. Our students will understand ethics issues.
4-2. Our students will exhibit understanding of the professional code of conduct in their discipline.
111 學年度 碩士班課程 ( Rubric 檔案下載 ) *待修正
學期 | 科目名稱 | 學分 | 必修/選修 | 1–1 | 1–2 | 1–3 | 2–1 | 2–2 | 3–1 | 3–2 | 4–1 | 4–2 |
111(1) | 財務管理 | 3 | 必 | 1–2 | ||||||||
111(1) | 應用統計 | 3 | 必 | 2–2 | ||||||||
111(1) | 書報討論(1) | 1 | 必 | 3–1 | ||||||||
111(1) | 最佳化與模擬 | 3 | 必 | 2–1 | ||||||||
111(1) | 商業溝通與表達 | 2 | 必 | 3–2 | ||||||||
111(2) | 台塑管理實務研討 | 2 | 必 | 4–2 | ||||||||
111(2) | 生產與作業管理 | 3 | 必 | 1–1 | ||||||||
111(2) | 企業倫理 | 2 | 必 | 4–2 | ||||||||
111(2) | 書報討論(2) | 1 | 必 | 4–1 | ||||||||
111(1) | 金融創新 | 3 | 選 | 1–2 | ||||||||
111(1) | 機器人理財 | 3 | 選 | 1–2 | ||||||||
111(1) | 商業智慧分析 | 3 | 選 | 1–3 | ||||||||
111(1) | 商業資料科學實務與應用 | 3 | 選 | 1–3 | ||||||||
111(1) | 供應鏈品質與風險管理 | 3 | 選 | 2–2 | ||||||||
111(1) | 運籌管理 | 3 | 選 | 1–1 | ||||||||
111(1) | 企業研究方法 | 3 | 選 | 2–1 | ||||||||
111(1) | 專案管理 | 3 | 選 | 1–1 | ||||||||
111(1) | 財務報表分析 | 3 | 選 | 3–1 | ||||||||
111(1) | 生技與健康產業分析 | 3 | 選 | 3–1 | ||||||||
111(2) | 實質選擇權與資產鑑價 | 3 | 選 | 1–2 | ||||||||
111(2) | 精實供應鏈管理 | 3 | 選 | 1–1 | ||||||||
111(2) | 金融科技與投資 | 3 | 選 | 1-2 | ||||||||
111(2) | 計量經濟 | 3 | 選 | 2–1 | ||||||||
111(2) | 系統模擬與商業應用 | 3 | 選 | 1–3 | ||||||||
111(2) | 決策科學與應用 | 3 | 選 | 2–2 | ||||||||
111(2) | 人工智慧分類專題 | 3 | 選 | 1–3 | ||||||||
111(2) | 財務計量 | 3 | 選 | 2–1 | ||||||||
111(2) | 產業分析 | 3 | 選 | 3–1 | ||||||||
111(2) | 品質管理與方法 | 3 | 選 | 2–2 |