湯明哲 教授 / 校長、管理學院代理院長


03-2118800 # 5051
美國麻省理工學院 史隆管理學院策略管理組博士


 2021-迄今 長庚大學 校長
 2017-迄今 聯發科技獨立董事
 2014-2023 富邦金控獨立董事
 2007-2014 國立臺灣大學 財務副校長
 2007-2014 國立臺灣大學 財務管理處財務長
 2002-2012 聯發科技獨立董事
 1998-2004 國立臺灣大學 進修推廣部主任
 1997-2004 國立臺灣大學 學術發展基金會執行秘書
 1997-1999 國立臺灣大學 管理學院碩士在職專班 ( EMBA ) 執行長
 1996-2019 國立臺灣大學 管理學院國際企業管理系教授
 1995-1996 長庚大學 工商管理學系教授兼系主任
 1994-1995 香港科技大學 管理學系客座副教授
 1985-1995 美國伊利諾大學香檳校區 企業管理系助理教授及副教授 ( Tenured )


  1. Hsiu-Ling Li, Ming-Je Tang, July 2010, Vertical Integration and Innovation Performance: The effects of External Knowledge Sourcing Modes, Technovation, 401 - 410.
  2. Li, Hsiu-Ling , Ming-Je Tang, November 2009, Vertical Integration, Escalating Commitment, and Technological Performance: Evidence from Firms in the US Computer Industry, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, forthcoming.
  3. Shuwen Wang , Ming-Je Tang, August 2009, Technological Network and Firm Performance: An Empirical Study of the Semiconductor Industry, Journal of International Management Studies, 23 - 45, (ABI).
  4. Lin, Shu-Jou and Ming-Je Tang, May 2007, Cognitive Bias and Escalating Commitment in Corporate Venturing Investments",, NTU Management Review, 55 - 79.
  5. Luan, Chin-Jung, Ming-Je Tang, January 2007, Where Is Independent Director Efficacy?, Corporate Governance: An International Review, 636 - 643.
  6. Ji-Ren Lee, Jen-Shyang Chen, Ming-Je Tang, December 2005, Exploring the growth strategy of contract electronic manufacturers in Taiwan: A competence-based perspective, Advances in Applied Business Strategy, 203 - 227, (ABI/INFORM).
  7. Avi Fiegenbaum, Howard Thomas and Ming-Je Tang, August 2001, Linking Hypercompetition and Strategic Group Theories: Strategic Maneuvering in the US Insurance Industry, Managerial and Decision Economics, 265 - 279, (ABI /ECONLIT).
  8. Tang, Ming-Je and Howard Thomas, August 1994, Developing Theories of Strategy, Journal of Management Studies, 209 - 224.
  9. Yu, Chow Ming , Ming-Je Tang, August 1992, International Joint Venture: Theoretical Considerations, Managerial and Decision Economics, 323 - 329.
  10. Tang, Ming-Je , Chow Ming Yu, 1992, Regulating the Entry of Multinational Enterprises: Models and Practices, The International Trade Journal, 131 - 150.
  11. Yu, Chow Ming and Ming-Je Tang, 1992, International Joint Venture: Theoretical Considerations, Managerial and Decision Economics, 323 - 329.
  12. Tang, Ming-Je , Ting-Peng Liang, August 1992, VAR Analysis: A Framework for Justifying Strategic Information Systems Projects, DATA BASE, 27 - 35.
  13. Tang, Ming-Je and Howard Thomas, August 1992, The Concept of Strategic Groups: Theoretical Construct or Analytical Convenience, Managerial and Decision Economics, 323 - 329.
  14. Tang, Ming-Je and Zenon Zannetos, August 1992, Competition under Continuous Technological Change, Managerial and Decision Economics, 135 - 148.
  15. Yu, Chwo-Ming , Ming-Je Tang, August 1991, Strategic Alternatives for International Entry, P. Shrivastava ed. Advances in Strategic Management, 225 - 243.
  16. Tang, Ming-Je , Chwo-Ming Yu, 1990, Foreign Market Entry: Production-Related Strategies, Management Science, 476 - 489.
  17. Charles Schwenk ,Ming-Je Tang, August 1989, Persistence in Questionable Strategies: Explanations from Economic and Psychological Perspectives, OMEGA: International Journal of Management Science, 559 - 570.
  18. Tang, Ming-Je, 1988, An Economic Perspective on Escalating Commitment, Strategic Management Journal, 79 - 92.