翁如音 助理教授






電話:03-2118800 # 5253
學歷:國立台灣大學 國際企業學系行銷組
經歷:元智大學管理學院兼任講師、元智大學大數據中心研究員、Marks & Spencer Singapore行銷專員


  1. Tseng, F. M., Weng, J. Y., & Wang, C. M. (2023). How the Supplier Relationship, Market Position, and Proximity Impact Supplier Involvement and New Product Performance: Co-developing new products with close suppliers who are market leaders results in better NPD performance. Research-Technology Management, 66(1), 53-65. (SSCI, IF:2.855)
  2. Tseng, F. M., Weng, J. Y., Liu, F. W., & Hsieh, M. H. (2022). How to design contests and motivate participants to engage in crowd innovation contests. The International Journal of Management Education, 20(3), 100722. (SSCI, IF:4.564) Corresponding author
  3. Chen, C. P., Weng, J. Y., Yang, C. S., & Tseng, F. M. (2018). Employing a data mining approach for identification of mobile opinion leaders and their content usage patterns in large telecommunications datasets. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 130, 88-98. (SSCI, IF:10.884)